The Bravo series consists of a range of solutions based on the integration of an anthropomorphic robot, as the heart of the movement, with a technological component developed entirely by the Automation Division of Neptun, with a high automation suitable to support production loads even 7/24.
Bravoload is an automated system to handle glass sheets. It can be used as a rototranslation system for rectangular glass plates, which can be placed between two straight-line edgers to unload the first machine and load the second one and position the sheet rotated 90 ° clockwise with respect to the previous station; it can also be used to serve any other glass processing machinery: washing machines, work centers, … with very high speed and flexibility.
The operation is completely automatic and not require any type of programming or data entry by the operator: the system is able to understand by itself the dimensions of the glass, the working pace and the position where the glass must be deposited.
The whole system is designed to work continuously on three shifts, supporting high production loads with minimal and simplified maintenance.