GlassInspector – IG Line Scanner
For an entry-level option, GlassInspector allows for full integration into your insulated glass production lines with a small footprint. Standard defects detected by GlassInspector include bubbles, inclusions, scratches, abrasions, fingerprints, etc. which are then displayed and classified based on provided parameters. The scanner has a profiler option that can be used to check the dimensions of glass as well as the shape and diameter of holes in the glass – great for those with shower doors and storefront glass.
GlassInspector is also customizable and can be semi or fully automatic along with special quality levels and parameter regulations. Additionally, you can upgrade GlassInspector with Q+, which is able to detect more defects such as halos and white haze and can add further automation to your IG line.
For additional information visit the Deltamax Website, contact us or give us a call at 336-668-2300.