Kyle Russell is Matodi’s newest regional sales engineer. Located in Texas, he works with customers in the Central and Gulf regions of the USA. Continue reading to learn more about Kyle both professionally and personally.
How long have you been with Matodi?
A little over a month, I’m brand new to Matodi and still learning as much as I possibly can every day.
What was your first job?
My first job was at Amarillo Glass as a glazier assistant. I started at the most entry-level position in the glass industry and have been in this industry ever since. It’s been my home away from home.
What are the toughest challenges you’ve had at work?
Ensuring that employees are satisfied – they are the backbone of a company. If you don’t have satisfied employees, you can’t have satisfied customers.
Who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?
My Grandfather – he worked in construction and was very hands-on in raising me. During my junior and senior years of high school, I helped him build a house and a room add-on. He taught me to work hard and play hard and his love of building and creating has inspired me to do the same.
What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?
Engineering would be my other career of choice – creating, building, designing is in my blood.
What’s the coolest (or most important) industry trend you see today?
Automation which becoming the standard in more and more companies. It will only become more critical to success in the future.
What’s your secret talent no one knows about?
Woodworking, I especially enjoy creating furniture. The cool thing about wood is that it can be formed/tailored to whatever you want. It’s versatile and your imagination drives the design. It’s far different from my career with glass which is more rigid and fixed than wood – although we continue to see more flexibility and versatility with glass as innovative designers do more.
What is something you learned in the last week?
Despite COVID companies are forward-thinking about the future of our industry with growth plans in the works.
How do you define success?
Small daily victories create long-term success.
When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?
Talking with friends/family or watching something on Netflix.
Fun fact or anything else you’d like to add!
Bush Craft & Survival Life intrigue me.
We are so proud of this young man, the oldest of our sons. He seems much happier since he started working for Matodi. He is so smart and creative and has so much to offer to his family, friends, and now to Matodi! Kyle, go set the glass industry on fire!